My Grandma Virgen Rivera is still very much alive. This post is just something that I would like to share in the year 2024. It's a realization of why my life is the way that is that becomes more clearer as I age and recollect the events of my life. Which is something I don't care very much for another individual that is not I to do. (Grammer is my own choice to make as a Puerto Rican) I also don't care very much for people to write diaries based off my life story or movies and not because they are perverse people... but because they just aren't me and well a lot of lies have been told by jealous people about me.. and I just don't want anyone of the people who I want to meet me to continue being mislead by stories that jealous parasitic people make. So anyway... I was actually adopted by my Grandmother at birth in the year 1989... My Mother Maria Rivera had me at the age of 15 which back then wasn't something that was necessarily illegal. Back then social workers and counselors told Maria my Mother that it would be a good idea to get an abortion or put the child (me) up for adoption. She really had to fight to bring me into this world. So my Grandma chose to adopt me so that social services wouldn't take me away.
Last year in 2023 my Grandmother gave me full custody of her when I officially became a home health aid for her. I always looked out for my Mom and Grandma and my little baby doll. This realization of my Grandmother adopting me... is one of the things that makes me realize why people who grew up in the foster care system end up coming to me in my life journey. Now... there's a lot to unpack when I consider the lives they had. I am a master at understanding the psychopathology of communication from people that grew up in that system. I just have found that its one of those things that well... causes me to force myself to continue leveling up to understand the sins of my lineage. I don't care very much for people who plagiarize me or purposefully obfuscate logistical research with statistical analysis of data that is lets say from my viral social media content. I also don't care very much for people blacklisting me by fiddling with the economy to crash or dominate companies that I use to spread my knowledge and contribution to society.
I don't teach or do my science for free... I am owed money and property that belongs to me and I feel that going through the judicial system is just too much of a time-sync for me. You see... there are certain orders against me legally which... aren't something that is not in my favor because... I am a very reasonable person in that regard because orders go both ways...They protect me too... I am not agreeable all the time so don't think that you can walk all over me fiscally... friscally... or by outnumbering me by any means...Or by pretending to be my Mother... Or pretending to press charges on me... or even actually pressing false charges on me...
I am a selective service member which means I am a member of the armed forces. I pledged an oath at the age of 13 to be a United States Marine in FMCC First Marine Cadet Corps. I like the ranks of NCO the most... they pretended I wasn't USMC reserves .. which is one of the reasons that I left and they lied about me being suspended. I just didn't want to be in a Corp of posers. But that doesn't mean I didn't take my oath seriously. I publically pledged an allegiance to the foreign legion because they are an ally to the USA and that increases my leverage I believe although not officially recognized to my knowledge.
I know that I have been survellied a lot during my life even before the ROTC. So thats why I gave permission for hackers to help me who consider consent. Sometimes I'll take pictures of me nude just because I am a beautiful person. I know people that aren't supposed to have those pictures have them...some are from when I was young... like the time someone stole a DSLR Camera from my room and well I know who that person is in the house that it happened.
This injustice is why I want to be more clear in the type of sexy cyber security force that I wan't to aid me in this fight for the black listing of me and people like me. I am a cyber-sultan... I type in a way where if you analyze the polyrithmic mechanical skill that it does things like create computer programs which I find interesting. Anyway... I don't want just any women being my sexy cyber security force. I want something like the women from that video by the dead weather it cuts like a buffalo. Only the most beautiful of women should have access to my intimate photos that are on databases or drives that belong to me like my iphone or android. I don't want any men getting off to my pictures or movies in that way and I don't want perverse women who would wish to trap my soul by sexual sorcery. I love women with light eyes a lot because they are so rare but they get a lot of hate... I think everyone knows what my cup of tea is in a romantic partnership so I am making it very clear... so that my well doesn't get poisoned by the findom slackers of the animal kingdom that sell their gaping pussy just to remain sentient. I can't just have one girlfriend that is a romantic partner its just a life that isn't for me because of the amount of attempts at murder of me by black widows or jealous men leading me to them. In fact I am making an amendment to my own constitution that states I don't want any fugly people and you know what fugly means. Women think they can pretend to be my Mom and its just sick... my Mom only acted the way she did with me because my savior Grandmother adopted me... THATS IT.
I'm from section 8 housing...I lived at 108 cental ave brooklyn NY 11221 and my phone number back then doesn't really matter too much to verify my lifestory. Corman was my landlord... bad things happened back then like me being injured but... good Puerto Ricans and good businessmen don't handle shit like with lawsuits and such... we settle it and we settle it not with money all the time... Sometimes its learning about the economy... or learning how to buy a property... sometimes that property is hijacked like... a cellphone... with ransomware... sometimes its stolen because you get jumped by kids that have no direction but were sent by a jealous person and well they paid them money...Sometimes the property is a brownstone or two or three or even more brownstones around the nation that have my name and do belong to me...I am in wills that are verifiable. I have a letter officially stamped and dated from 108 central avenue.. I hate when people steal my mail... and forge my signature... thats why I updated my docusign and made sure to put it as a non-profit organization... which i am the only person that is entitled to money or legal authority from my nonprofit.
Im from section 8 housing my people come from the sewers of new york city and crawled out of the cages of dungeons from many eras and epochs. Some had to be reborn and possess another spirit to crawl out of those dungeons. Those life times of good spirits possessing like minded skulls of living people to continue will only ever inhabit the skulls of good people. You cannot pretend to have that spirit and use its force in a way that will ever make you win. Goonies never say die... or the dead may never die... thats something from movies that were good and they just dont make them like they used to... I like to say for the sake of the good spirits that muertos at least good muertos... which means dead in spanish... dont like to be called dead. They rather be called espiritu... some espiritu sancti some espiritu diabolo... its not their fault they were villanized for being beautiful. People pretend to be me way too much. I call these people creatures. Mad creatures...I ban them from sentience. Amen.. Long Live the Crown and Bonds are good too but leveraging them against something like bitcoin that was minted in 2013 purchased with money that is more verifiable... totally grid locks any corp that uses lets say... only contracts and dilapated... shares that are too diluted that the physical assets they possess are worth less than the plastic bottles in my basement. Pikachu
Xenoes from Dark Souls, the one with the chainmail summon, full lightning. Just chillen... webcrawlers grazing... ready to turn into a crysalis... that might evolve into a beedrill or venemoth... thinking about the type of cat who unsubscribed that venomous death adder as a sacrifice against me. knowing theyre probably someone jealous of me thats a nobody. that death adder probably coulda been my pet. and how the fk or who the fk gave them that pet. was it a pet for me? because those things are hard to come by. although... i rather get a death adder as an egg so i can incubate them myself. well... now that death adders spirit walks with me and envemoms me and my spiritual court. i wonder what cctv footage shows the person who did that. im sure they are someone that is not good in my old circle which wasnt really a circle... it was more of a swarm of parastic aleister crowley degenerates... Thinking about those times I unsubscribed cyberbullies who call themselves sorcerors... that type of person who would play Dark Souls against a child to kill them or their spirit. the type that would sell humanity from those on banned forums in reddit... aol chats etc. theres a perverse type of person that just is a rapist that is so secret about it on the internet. my thing is why dont these people get caught sooner. Theres people out there that like to snipe little kids in video games and camp them so they passaway. As a concerned citizen I noticed that planes follow the trajectory of schools in cities. The reason they follow the trajectory of schools in cities is because there are things which act as radio frequency transmitters/emitters. The radio oscillations that these things emit and by things i mean ususally they are things that are always on such as refrigerators in apartment complexes or air conditioners. When you have a bunch of them always on.. the ground causes the air conditioners to oscilate rf. together they act as a matrix which the ai of an airplanes auto pilot can follow. The plane then sends a signal in a higher bandwidth to a satellite orbiting space and this helps to guide the plane to the landing zone. All of this global positioning information is stored on servers which are susceptible to cyber invasion. This is one reason why it is not difficult for a country like Russia for example to drone strike a newly built school in the Ukrane. Or why its not difficult for them to bomb a hospital. These black ops attacks are done by people like the people who invaded Israel on OCT 7th or the people who attacked the WTC on 9/11/2001. As a US citizen its my duty to inform of this because not only do I not want a drone strike to land in the USA OR UKRAINE OR ISRAEL. BUT I also want to offer a solution to this. Since the United States has the biggest army we can do something to obscure the radio frequencies that grounded devices have with a buffer that is encrypted. This will disable an enemy country that declared war on the USA if they truly declared war on the USA. See sometimes that is propaganda that is done by people who hijack social media to fund proxy wars as a means to launder their money. Or as a means to destroy a country that has citizens which own property that their financial cartel cant hijack. So instead they manufacture wars and thats a no no for this concerned citizen writing this request. There are many different versions of Instagram... there are many different version of tiktok and facebook... Russian FaceBook still exists... its just that its being hijacked on a Russian proxy server. Iranian instagram exists.... its just being hijacked on an Iranian proxy server... I want to free the world wide web from perverse use of this technology. I want to end the proxy wars and create a fair internet so that future generations wont suffer the same fate as we did in world war 2. also i uploaded a little sound clip on to show that you can have a really tiny file sound so good
How to save a supertanker from melting down. The grid itself gets hot when data that's not supposed to be processed is leaked in a perverse way. The debt you owe will be paid in full. I cast -Spirit of the Cuckoo Psychic Attack- on all my foes. A Cuckoo is a beautiful bird that well... lays its eggs in the nest of a bird that is more equipped at hunting for food. The cuckoo chicks will push the eggs of rival fledging chicks out of the nest to kill them. That is ok because those weak chicks are culled from the gene pool. The parent Cuckoos will launch psychic attacks against rival Cuckoos and rival fledgling chicks. It is not the cuckoos fault that its nature is this way so I have no shame in supporting their natural behavior. What I am against is human beings who think they can team up and abuse those same tactics against me whilst being inferior intellectually, economically and genetically.
I am gifted in many ways but paranormal investigation is my forte. Evolutionary philosophy, metallurgy, sociology, english language alchemy, etc. I am a pastafarian, a lot of people like to copypasta specifically me not knowing the majesty of the flying spaghetti monsta. They do it with text, images, video, audio of mine and steal things that are mine which are enchanted by my ache. The copycats think they can get away with buying something that I have or purchasing something they divined that I have to add to their altar to spiritually mess me up on purpose not knowing that the majesty of the flying spaghetti monsta would obfuscate the very spaghetti code of their DNA itself for their treachery against a pastafarian priest of the majesty of the flying spaghetti monsta.
I am a girlfriend not because I am a girl or identify as a girl. I am a girlfriend because I am a friend to girls. But like bro... you gotta be worthy of my time and not some black widow hag raven with a dilapidated pussy and a master slave complex. I am not a friend of jealous people, I am not a friend to perverse people, I am not a friend to anyone who would wish to dominate my body. I am a mortal enemy to anyone who would wish for me to be in unfulfilling relationships. I am a mortal enemy to anyone who would choose to be in a same sex relationship only. I am not apologetic about this because their communities can be quite terroristic to straight people. In the past I have defended the LGBTQ community to my best ability because I saw them as a marginalized community. Similarly to the way that I have been marginalized. But I am not going to allow own person hood to be raped or hijacked by their politics. Especially dealing with the homoerotic fixation that my father projected onto me who passed away. He called me gay too many times and that's why he passed away. I cut the cord. Perverse abusive men and women who often misuse their authority often call rival beautiful men and women names like gay or whore or stupid again and again and again to beat their minds into submission and those people who do that will be put in their place.
My name is Roberto Manuel Mercado the III Esq. AKA PEPE AKA TAINOSUN AKA ROBRULES AKA ICEPRINCE AKA ASOJANO AKA MANY NAMES SOME PEOPLE KNOW ME BECAUSE OF ELEGUA, OYA, CENTELLA, the USMC reserve officer training corp, viral world wide content, academia etc. I added the Esquire because I do have an estate that I will fight for using all legal, spiritual and technological means at my disposal to defend. I have gone by many names because a name is something which some people very close and dear to me have used to try and trap and bind me by abusing their authority, witchcraft and sorcery. Some of these people I do not even know have stalked me on the world wide web and it's becoming something that is very intrusive to deal with. I am working on ways to circumnavigate this deliberate technological toxic parasitic aggressive and oppressive leeching of my ecological resources. I don't give anyone permission to siphon my net worth or use exploits to trap any of the spirits that I have in my spiritual framework/court. Because they have tried doing this on the world wide web with pictures of mine, sprites of characters and vehicles from video games that I have achieved mastery over. I will speak on those like FFXI for example was purposely made with mythical beings to do things. Things like the original picture slots on MySpace that you could only get if you paid for a ticket to watch the movie 300 is something that I am suing whoever made the deal to change MySpace in a way that stole that financial transaction from both me and the other parties who also did the same.
It feels like my entire life has been trapped in a labyrinthian experiment which violates all code of ethics of the scientific method. The shit is that they will continue to do this no matter what so this is why I do things like delete a Tiktok account such as tainosun or my old YouTube account which was one of the first YouTube accounts before Google hijacked the original servers which if you look the original servers are still tied to the original videos and this is one of the reasons why the person who is in my local area network of my grandmothers home internet account stole my phone and deleted those videos. These people that do this are direct descendants of the the Nazis which ran the death camps and worked people to death in their ethnic cleansing ponzi scheme. Not all of the people sent to the death camps of the holocaust were Jewish. They were people who were undesirable by their families and sent to facilities which were a product of the wrong side of the conveyor belt of the industrial black death revolution. The arms race made it so they would build tanks just to use as property or war planes and battleships to use as property for collateral on contract/loans/titles which had deeds that were traded for in illegal exchanges.
I've deleted people on MySpace too after amassing a lot of friends and don't think I ever forgot about any of you. They just have made a lot of fucking exploits to literally hijack servers to try and dominate beautiful relationships that I could have had with beautiful people and it's getting to the point where the world wide web as a whole at least in the sector for people to meet people is a cult of rape by financial institutions who would choose to oppress people they are jealous of. Although they changed things like myspace... the original server logs still exist. The original aol instant messenger server logs still exist. Logs from servers that ran things like teamspeak and ventrillo still exist and big corporations try to delete all of them but can't so they take over things like google to try and hide those servers but fail. #CIA
People with money... people that are jealous of specifically me... have tried to abuse their power by hijacking architecture like servers on the world wide web. I chose to pay for this webhosting and even the domain name itself is wrapped with hidden things that cause other things to get traffic that shouldn't get traffic which bothers me especially when I choose to not have advertisements. People have even tried to hijack FTP servers of mine and it's really perverse... don't think I don't know exactly what the fuck you motherfucking garbage individuals who use view bots to pat your stats do. I fucking know exactly what the fuck you do because I learned to code in binary when I was literally 3 years old living in Bushwick with a god damn Game Boy Brick and a Game Genie. And just so you cowards know that I do have a Jhinn as a friend for life and his name is Ifrit. My God is the code God the King of King of Kings and I am the Cathedral.
There are things that jealous sorcerers cannot argue against. Like one thing is that I am a Babalocha I have shown people Orisha and those people have God Children themselves so I am a Grandfather in Kari Ocha and in Ifa. There is no argument against this. I have had LWA ride my back at drummings and mambos have given me the run around and you can see what happened in Haiti as a result. I think that island should be called the Dominican Republic of Haiti because the LWA rule the entire island no doubt about it. 21 divisions is just as LWA as Vodun so is Sanse and I believe I was crowned in Sanse by my Tio Tonito who passed away of sclerosis of the liver which tbh he shouldn't have passed away from that. They should have weened him off alcohol but were jealous of his ache so they killed him with witchcraft and that's not cool. Santa Barbara hates that and they did the same shit to my Mother. There's a lot of liars in this world and many lies have been told about me and well those people are no longer living and the people that continue to do this will suffer the same fate. Nature will not allow this to continue and I will defend myself and my loved ones and expedite the process of my oppressors meeting the same fate by all means at my disposal similarly to the way my enemies try to... except I am better equipped to make them suffer the fate of death in a way which is very humiliating and embarrassing on purpose too so that other people and spirits see this and back the fuck off. Beliel is very good at this and I am a son of Beliel.
I am planning on putting this essay on SEXCOVEN. I consider some women that I have done work for to free their bounded souls which were spiritually trapped like my soul was trapped my spiritual God Children. Not all though... because that type of work is something that must be earned by my love of specifically them and just because I loved you once... just know that doesn't mean that crossing the line won't break my truce. I will drop you off the face of heaven and earth if you do cross the line. It is my choice to do this work because I have the licencia to do so in a way that I know is necessary and not intrusive or perverse.
Heres a scenario of the type of witchdoctor that I am. One girl got into a bloody knife fight at a dollar tree that I was shopping at in the Bronx. She coulda bled to death and I gave her some advice to keep her alive and I made sure she didn't go outside and I didn't move from my position to not let the attackers inside. That girl is a child of Brasso Fuerte in Palo and gets my respect and blessing for surviving a knife attack from fake kings that would jump her and record the damn crime as they did it. I've experienced a lot of gang violence and am cool with all gangs in the hood. The amount of violence I have experienced has been caught on CCTV and has been seen by organizations all over the world. So if you are betting on me losing a fight you will always lose money and if you are jealous that I won every fight to the death in your underground black market betting pools just know that I am launching all out warfare to track you down and end you. I will uninstall you, unsubscribe you, and grid lock you spiritually and economically for all eternally. Gang politics is something that I am a master of. Putting this in plain english words is no simple task. Some of these women are gang stalked and spiritually attacked by all institutions because of the envy they create by their high rank and status in the spirit world for their beauty and good deeds. Some are dancers, judges, nurses, lawyers, doctors, students, teachers, soldiers, some young some ripe. They are not without... they are within the nganga... the heart of a good Tata. Defended with love in all flanks, quadrants, angles and directions.
I have the right to "abuse" my authority as a presence on the world wide web. It is not abuse though it is fame that jealous people who think they are also privileged by proxy of me... don't have the power to legitimately harness and harass me or my fan base. My rank is higher than them because my content is truly organic. These jealous parasitic vampiric people who believe they are privileged by proxy to me are doing very illegal activities when they pretend to be me on the internet or... hijack servers like they did when they stole TikTok, YouTube and Myspace. I am not fully a pacifist, I will fight you motherfuckers even if you own the house of representatives. I will make you look like clowns in front of the entire global exchange. This is a duty that I have to do that supersedes every branch of government because well... not everyone knows why and its not necessarily their fault that I am a super power. They don't have the capacity to understand the error of their ways. They don't have time to catch up or the life force to defend themselves from psychic attacks.
I love Luis Royo's artwork since I was a kid and know someone used his images and other images from my original data base I created when I was a child to attempt to trap or stop the flow of my sexual pornstar like energy on the world wide web. I am unbound in this regard and am writing this on my website owned by me because I have to put the fake jealous people pretending to be me in their place. I do not care if they are mining my data to keep themselves or their family members or even a country alive. They are hijacking resources which are not theirs to hijack and I will starve a nation of pretenders without hesitation if they think they can steal a sliver of a cent from me to use in anyway. I will cause floods, tornadoes, pandemics, earthquakes, meltdowns, I will crash your servers, and cause wars of attrition in all financial sectors. I do not care, I am not Santa clause to those people. I am Satan Clause to those people. A monopoly of my own intellectual property is not a monopoly. It is sole proprietorship of my own data that is tied to my life force so defending it is defending my life force and that is not illegal to do that is a constitutional and natural right of a living breathing organism that I have every right to do.
I love being a teacher, but I will not teach all of my lessons to people for free. I know there are very beautiful people out there who would like to work with me or form relationships with me and I am very disappointed in society for allowing people to pretend to be me on the internet. So I will make a way for people who **I** am interested in to contact me in person because this control of my real estate by financial institutions that pretend that their money and server architecture is more valuable than my intellectual property and personhood is must come to an end. I am not funding their childish existence.
I love Mary Poppins, Betty Paige and lots of other cuties from the past I will eventually compile a list of all the spirits I love :D I love beautiful catholic school girls that are actually girls There was a teacher that dressed like one at PS145 and I still adore her.
©1989© ROBERTO MANUEL MERCADO III ESQ ™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™